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The Importance of Carbohydrates in Exercise & Sports Performance

Today’s post is a bit different from what I normally would post about, but I think it’s really important to share the nutrition space with other passionate nutrition professionals. And while I wish I understood Sports Nutrition better, I understand it’s better to be a master of just a few skills, rather than all. Plus how fun is it to learn about other people’s specialties! Today’s contributor is JohnPaul Paganini, an MSc Human Nutrition student majoring in Sports Nutrition who aims to provide evidence-based nutritional advice upon graduation. You can check out his lifestyle blog: or follow him on Twitter @jppaganini or Instagram @streetsdesirejohnpaul. I’ve also written an article on his blog about low-cost Spring gardens so please, head over to his site and show it some love. Contributors are also welcome on his blog!

JohnPaul Paganini
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